SKU: iCCC.CO EXPO: Passport 01

Original price was: $365.00.Current price is: $0.00.

375 in stock

Colorful Membership Card: Passport to Tomorrow – Exclusive NFT Ticket

NFT Membership Cards

The NFT Membership Cards we share may not have immediate use, and CCC Alliance does not guarantee their value. However, we are continuously expanding our network and increasing partnerships, which may eventually provide practical applications. You can now sign up for free and apply to receive a CCC NFT Card.

Accounts that receive an NFT Membership Card might be awarded free points, potentially serving as additional utility tokens in the future. Please treat this as a sharing game and not as a digital currency or a means of transaction.

(Maybe with free CCC Credits)


Embark on an unparalleled adventure into the heart of innovation with your exclusive NFT Ticket to the iCCC.CO EXPO. This digital passport is more than just entry to an event; it’s a key to experiencing the forefront of technological and cultural advancements that promise to redefine our future.


The iCCC.CO EXPO is a beacon for visionaries, pioneers, and enthusiasts from around the globe, showcasing groundbreaking developments in technology, sustainability, and digital art. Your NFT Ticket not only grants you access to this melting pot of innovation but also stands as a collectible asset, encapsulating the spirit and potential of the era.

As a holder of this NFT Ticket, you’ll enjoy a host of privileges including VIP access to exclusive talks, interactive sessions with leading innovators, and a front-row seat to the unveiling of technologies that will shape the decades to come. Beyond the event, your ticket remains a tangible link to a landmark moment in the journey of human progress, immortalized on the blockchain.

Investing in an iCCC.CO EXPO NFT Ticket means more than securing your spot at the event; it’s a commitment to being part of a community that’s building the future. This is your chance to save a ticket for tomorrow’s world, today. Join us at the iCCC.CO EXPO and be part of history in the making, with a digital keepsake that will appreciate in value and significance as the visions of the expo become the realities of our future.


If you’re new to crypto wallets and NFTs, just buy a Tip Coffee to thank an online partner for helping you with NFT purchases and wallet transfers. CLICK HERE >>

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