Original price was: $365.00.Current price is: $19.00.

Mexico Colorful Camp-01

Blue Card – Angel Membership

This is a digital collection of concept designs for the Global House series of projects. As a member of the global sojourning concept projects, the NFT account will also receive additional reward credits from sponsoring merchants, which may be usable in the future.

Colorful Camp: A Vibrant Nomad and Retirement Oasis

Colorful Camp is a unique project designed for nomads, retirees, and sojourners seeking an eco-friendly and culturally immersive living experience. This small eco-living house community is inspired by the rich local culture and vibrant architectural styles.

Our project features a collection of small, sustainable homes grouped together as a resort, reflecting the essence of Mexican design. Each house is thoughtfully designed to blend with the natural surroundings, offering a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The community emphasizes a harmonious lifestyle, where residents can enjoy the beauty of nature, participate in cultural activities, and experience the true essence of Mexican traditions.

Colorful Camp is more than just a place to live; it is a vibrant, connected community that celebrates diversity and fosters a deep appreciation for local culture. Whether you are looking for a serene retirement haven, a nomadic lifestyle, or a sojourning adventure, Colorful Camp offers a unique and enriching living experience.

Mexico: A Rich Tapestry of History, Culture, and Natural Beauty

Mexico is a country with a rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse natural landscapes. It is flanked by the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and characterized by central plateaus and mountainous regions. The urban architecture is distinctive, showcasing vibrant colors and unique styles.

With its warm climate and low cost of living, Mexico is one of the world’s best destinations for sojourning. This project is still in its early planning stages, featuring conceptual designs that highlight our vision.

Please note that the project names and locations are provisional for mapping purposes. We are actively exploring development opportunities to bring these concepts to life.


Click to acquire the NFT digital collectibles minted based on the concept art. These collectibles will also serve as future membership cards for our global sojourning network—the Blue.Angel membership card.

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